Mater Dei Catholic High School


CLIENT: The Roman Catholic Diocese of San Diego

218,000 SF

The Design-Build team of Roesling Nakamura Terada Architects, Inc. (RNT) and Sundt Construction led the design and construction of the new Mater Dei High School Campus and Parish. This private school, located in eastern Chula Vista, is designed to accommodate up to 2,200 students. Located on a 52-acre site the project included classroom buildings, state-of-art science labs, library, fine arts/theatre facilities, locker rooms, gymnasium, sports fields, administration facilities and maintenance buildings. The private high school building and parish is 218,000 SF. The site design enhances this identity through the use of traditionally orthogonal, hierarchical organization and the integration of multiple open spaces and courtyards.

RNT also completed the Mater Dei High School Chapel, Performing Arts Center, and Aquatic Center.


Mater Dei Catholic High School

Location: Chula Vista

Completed: 2007


2008 Building of America Award for Southern California, Real Estate & Construction Review

2008 Design-Build Institute of America, Merit Award

2006 City of Chula Vista, Honorable Mention