Mary Fay Pendleton K-8 School


Mary Fay Pendelton K-8 School 

Completed: 2017 

Client: Fallbrook Union Elementary School District 


Mary Fay Pendelton School is located aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and exclusively serves children of active miliary families. Both San Onofre and Mary Fay Pendleton Schools, originally built in 1974 and 1954 respectively, dramatically outgrew their existing campuses and were named some of the most overcrowded schools in the nation. Many classes were held in portable, temporary classroom buildings and the District needed both campuses to be replanned to accommodate the growing student body.  

RNT composed phased plans and new architectural designs for both campuses to build new structures and demolish outdated ones while keeping the campuses operational for the school year. Each campus plan included new classroom buildings, enhanced technology and security upgrades, new space for art, music and band classes, improved student and bus drop-off areas, media centers, administration offices, and new outdoor play space and lunch areas with shade structures. As military base schools, each campus was designed to abide by DOD anti-terrorism standards.  

Both schools have now received the Purple Star designation from the State of California in recognition of their exceptional dedication to their students.  


Mary Fay Pendleton School

Location: San Clemente

Completed: 2020